Raben Italy team in Piedmont manages all logistics for Mondo Toys: From the receipt of transport orders to distributing products across Italy, Europe, and beyond, the team ensures everything runs smoothly. This collaboration is built on trust and shared goals: both companies are driven by the desire to lead their industries while staying grounded in their family histories and roots.
What we appreciate most about Raben Italy is the people – their proactive approach and continuous drive for improvement. Since working with them, we’ve seen many changes that have improved service and quality. As a customer, we’re completely satisfied and proud to trust them with our shipments every day”. Continues Paolo Muratore.
Eight years pass quickly when there’s such good chemistry between two companies. For Mondo, with its seasonal products and highly organized supply chain, it’s vital to have a logistics partner who meets high standards of service and timing. Every day, we work hard to meet their expectations, and the strong relationship between Raben Italy and Mondo’s team gives us a great advantage. We know each other so well now that we can handle even the toughest requests.” says Hilde Pozzati, Regional Sales Manager at Raben Italy.